Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random events over the last week or so.....

Visiting Daddy at work

 Kai loves to chew on the embroidery part of his blanket. Too funny.
 I have tons of pictures in my house and this has occurred more often than not due to flying balls and little boys.
 When I went to make the bed I found these under Bill's pillow! Kai had been reading them with me the night before. What I find the most humorous is that Bill didn't even notice!
 Kai has given up the smaller two wheeler with training wheels and has moved up to the next hand me down! He looks so big here!
 So I know this is random, but I can't seem to let it go! A person on a street near us just put in this new planter. I think it looks like a grave site! Seriously. There are roses all around this stone in the center of the circle with a light that illuminates it at night. Creepy.
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