Thursday, September 24, 2009

Training him young....

For those of you that make fun of my little green know who you are! It is light and quick, and yes the handle does extend to my height! In the meantime though, it also works for Luke to start helping around the house. Yes, I have OCD and clean everything all the time. No not because of germs, but because I don't like messes. Anyway, I feel as the mom of a son I need to teach HIM how to TAKE CARE of the INSIDE of his HOME. Not just for my sanity, but for his future wife's sanity too! Daddy can do the outside teaching! :0)

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Ali said...

Ha ha, I have to say it was HILARIOUS when Irene took it out to vacuum and couldn't get the handle up. We laughed picturing you vacuuming all hunched over!!
I love that you are starting him early. He's going to grow up to be such a kind and amazing man! But I don't want to think about that, he needs to stay little for as long as possible.

Mrs. Dunbar said...

Monkey will be over there before soccer practice today, to have his lesson on vacumming as well.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the machine I have heard so much about. That little thang has been the source of much laughter in the lounge! I need one of those!