Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our 10 cent goldfish from Walmart

About a year ago I purchased 2 goldfish. One for Luke and one for his cousin Bradley. We named ours Nemo and they named theirs Ariel. I am sorry to say Ariel recently passed.....Anyway, I NEVER thought these things would grow to be so big or last so long. I have been telling Bill for a few months now that Nemo has to find a new home. I am no longer able to care for him the way he needs to be cared for. Tonight PROVED that! Picture this: I was done with everything. I had his glass fish bowl in the sink (this later saved him from going down the drain.) I was trying to use the net to put him back into the clean water when HE FELL OUT! I didn't know what to do, but I knew I only had seconds! I grabbed a spoon and tried to scoop him up. Every time he jerked I screamed. Finally, after about 30 seconds he gave up and I was able to get him into his bowl - without touching him. I was so scared. He is okay. And.......Bill is taking him into work - HIS NEW HOME. Sorry Nemo.


Eryn said...

i would have paid money to watch that.

Ali said...

Poor Nemo.. you're fired!!! No more pets for you.