Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Luke's 1st day of Kindergarten

Luke had a great 1st day of school. He woke up early with a smile on his face! Since Daddy was off, he and Kai took Luke to class. I was able to sneak over there for just a second as I had a group of kids and parents knocking on my door as well! We are so happy that Matthew, a life long friend and playmate, is not only in Luke's class, but that he will be going home with him as well after school since kinder is half day. What a blessing that Irene not only will have him, but as a teacher herself, can help with his school work if needed. Mrs. Cash actually attends our church and even has a kinder of her own at home! We are so fortunate to have her!

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1 comment:

Mrs. Dunbar said...

I'm sure even if I wasn't a teacher, I'd still be able to help Luke with his KINDERGARTEN homework.
