Friday, December 17, 2010

Ice skating (for the first time) for the boys.

Bill called me on my way home from work today to tell me we were going to the ice rink with Auntie Eryn for open skate. The boys were very excited. Initially, Kai was scared and got right back off the ice, but before long he was going on rounds around the rink with either Bill or Eryn. Luke skated most of the time. He really enjoyed it. He had a few falls, but not too many. No tears thankfully. Bill and I took Eryn ice skating for her first time when she was in elementary school so it was perfect she was there to do it with our boys. We sure love her!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys look so happy. It looks like you all had a great time! Great to see you are enjoying the winter break:)
Kim M.