Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Secret Spot

As many of you know, I am a bit of a control freak and certainly a clean freak. I do try to teach my kiddos to pick up after themselves and they know we don't leave our house "a mess." I pretty much call everything junk thus Luke tends to use the term even when not appropriate! The other day when we were on a walk he told me that the people on the corner need to get rid of their junk (a broken down car on the side of their house!) Anyway, a couple of days ago I asked Luke to go grab his sweatshirt and he said it was under his bed. I said, No, No, No.........when I went to inspect I found his Leapster there too! And the other small pile of stuff pictured below. I was going to make him take it out, but in the end I thought what's the harm. So.....last night we went to Disneyland and Bill caved in a bought him some mini light stick thing. I asked him where it was this morning when we were in the car and he said it was in his SECRET SPOT. Of course! Why didn't I think of that?
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1 comment:

Ali said...

I love that he has a secret spot!