Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Glue Sticks and Scissors

A couple of weeks ago Auntie Eryn made snowflakes with Luke for our front window. Ever since then he has asked me to bring him some glue and scissors. He says he needs them for crafts. I brought them home yesterday and this is the result! Within a few shorts minutes of giving him the glue he told me that his feet were sticking to the ground. What! That is NOT where the glue goes nor is that the purpose. We chatted about how he needed to keep these supplies away from Kai, etc. A few hours go by and my mom and I head out to Target for a quick stop. When I got home I tucked Luke into bed and noticed his hair. He completely cut a triangle out of his bangs! I asked him if he did that and he said no Kai did. That is a whole other lesson in itself! I took a few pictures and left Grammy to do the "speech." lol. Good thing we spike our hair. It wasn't really that noticeable this morning when he got ready for preschool.

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Mrs. Dunbar said...

Drew cut his hair on more than one occasion. I heard they all do. I thought it was just once though. He still looks cute.

Tracy said...

That was not Irene, it was Tracy. Not sure how that happened.

Eryn said...

Hahah oops! Sorry! Next time, Auntie Eryn will teach lessons AS we do crafts.