Sunday, May 10, 2009

Look what I got this weekend......

For those of you that know me and spend time with me you know that I am addicted to the AC. Okay, not addicted, but.....I am scared to death of being broken into so I refuse to sleep with any window open. Thus, we run AC all year long much to my husband's dismay. He is looking for more efficiency in this new product and I am looking for some savings. Right now we are paying $377 per month (12 months a year) for our electricity. I will keep you posted if this indeed helps.

Something Old (the original) - 2 tons

Something new - 4 tons


Mrs. Dunbar said...

$377!!! A month? Are you nuts?

Let me know who put your new AC in, Scott had told me to ask a month ago.

The Salinas Family said...

Steve, our nieces' (who watches the boys) husband. Do you want his card?